Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Of course,” he responded. “I should have realized immediately….”

“No matter,” I yawned. “Now then, about the dragon….”

“Yes. Forgive me for losing my temper, but you can see my predicament.”

It seemed strange having someone that immense simpering at me, but I rose to the occasion.

“Well, I’m sure we can work something out,” I smiled.

As I spoke, a thought flashed through my head. Aahz had all our money! I didn’t have a single item of any value on me except….

I reached into my pocket, forcing myself to make the move casual. It was still there! The charm I had taken from Quigley’s statue-body that allowed the wearer to see through spells. I had taken it when Aahz wasn’t looking and had kept it hidden in case it might be useful in some crisis. Well, this definitely looked like a crisis!

“Here!” I said, tossing the charm to him. “I believe this should settle our accounts.”

He caught it deftly and gave it a fast, squinting appraisal.

“This?” he said. “You want to purchase a hatchling dragon for this?”

I had no idea of the charm’s relative worth, but bluffing had gotten me this far.

“I do not haggle,” I said coldly. “That is my first and final offer. If it is not satisfactory, then return the charm and see if you can get a better price for an attached dragon.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Skeeve.” The Deveel was still polite, but his smile looked like it hurt. “Very well, it’s a deal. Shake on it.” He extended his hand.

There was a sudden hissing noise and my vision was obscured. The dragon had arched his neck forward over my head and was confronting the Deveel eye-to-eye. His attitude was suddenly a miniature version of the ferocity I had seen displayed earlier by his larger brethren. I realized with a start that he was defending me!

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Categories: Asprin, Robert