Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

The Imps snorted. Isstvan nodded thoughtfully.

“Anyway, he decided to try to stop you. To accomplish this, he blackmailed the four of us into assisting him. We were to create a diversion while he effected the actual attack.”

“Well, what did he do?” prompted Higgens.

“He drugged the wine!” explained Aahz. “Don’t you remember?”

“When?” asked Brockhurst.

“When he dropped that phony crystal into the jug. remember?”

“But he drank from the jug, too!” exclaimed Higgens.

“That’s right, but he had taken an antidote in advance,” Aahz finished with a flourish.

“So we’re stuck here!” Brockhurst spat in disgust.

“You know, Aahz,” Isstvan said slowly. “It occurs to me that even if everything happened exactly as you described it, you and your friends here played a fairly large part in the plot.”

“You’re right, Isstvan,” Aahz admitted, “but I’m prepared to offer you a bargain.”

“What kind of a bargain?” Isstvan asked suspiciously.

“It’s in two parts. First, to clear Tanda and myself from having opposed you in your last bid for power, I can offer transportation for you and your allies out of this dimension.”

“Hmm….” said Isstvan. “And the second part?”

“For the second part, I can give you the ultimate vengeance to visit on Frumple here. In exchange, I want your promise you’ll bear no grudge against the four of us for our part in today’s misfortune.”

“Pardon for four in exchange for vengeance on one?” Isstvan grunted. “That doesn’t sound like much of a deal.”

“I think you’re overlooking something, Isstvan,” Aahz cautioned.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert