Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“What was it?”

“What? Oh, what you saw? That was an aura. Most people have them. Some places do, but it’s a sure test to check if an item is truly magical. I’d be willing to bet that the ring is what old Garkin used to fry the assassin.”

“Aren’t we going to take it with us?”

“Do you know how to control it?”

“Well… .no.”

“Neither do I. The last thing we need is to carry around a ring that shoots fire. Particularly if we don’t know how to activate it. Leave it. Maybe the others will find it and turn it on themselves.”

He tucked the sack into his waistband.

“What others?” I prompted.

“Hmmm? Oh, the other assassins.”

“What other assassins?” I was trying to be calm, but I was slipping.

“That’s right. This is the first time you’ve tangled with them, isn’t it? I would have thought Garkin….”

“Aahz, could you just tell me?”

“Oh! Sure, kid. Assassins never work alone. That’s why they never miss. They work in groups of two to eight. There’s probably a back-up team around somewhere. Realizing Isstvan’s respect for Garkin, I’d guess he wouldn’t send less than six out on an assignment like this, maybe even two teams.”

“You mean all this time you’ve been fooling around with clothes and swords, there’s been more assassins on the way?”

“Relax, kid. That’s the back-up team. They’ll be waiting a ways off and won’t move until tomorrow at the earliest. It’s professional courtesy. They want to give this bozo room to maneuver. Besides, it’s tradition that the assassin who actually does the deed gets first pick of any random booty lying around before the others show up to take even shares. Everyone does it, but it’s considered polite to not notice some of the loot has been pocketed before the official split.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert