Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Instead of standing firm on the ground and lifting an object, you push against the ground with your will and lift yourself.”

“But if I’m not touching the ground, where do I draw my power from?”

“From the air! C’mon, kid, you’re a magician, not an elemental.”

“What’s an elemental?”

“Forget it. What I meant was you aren’t bound to any of the four elements, you’re a magician. You control them, or at least influence them and draw your power from them. When you’re flying, all you have to do is draw your power from the air instead of the ground.”

“If you say so, Aahz,” I said doubtfully.

“Okay, first locate a force line.”

“But we left it when we started off to see the Deveel,” I argued.

“Kid, there are lots of force lines. Just because we left one of the ground force lines doesn’t mean we’re completely out of touch. Check for a force line in the air.”

“In the air?”

“Believe me, kid. Check.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. Turning my face skyward, I tried to picture the two-headed spear. At first I couldn’t do it, then realized with a start I was seeing a spear, but a different spear. It wasn’t as bright as the last spear had been, but glowed softly with icy blues and whites.

“I think I’ve got one, Aahz!” I gasped.

“It’s blue and white, right?” Aahz sneered sarcastically.

“Yes, but it’s not as bright as the last one.”

“It’s probably further away. Oh well, it’s close enough for you to draw energy from. Well, give it a try, kid. Hook into that force line and push the ground away. Slowly now.”

I did as I was instructed, reaching out with my mind to tap the energies of that icy vision. The surge of power I felt was unlike any I had experienced before. Whereas before when I summoned the power I felt warm and swollen with power, this time I felt cool and relaxed. The power flow actually made me feel lighter.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert