Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“What devils?”

“The assassins that were following us.”

“I keep telling you, kid. Those weren’t Deveels, those were Imps.”

“What’s the difference?”

“I told you before. Imps are from Imper, and Deveels….”

“… are from Deva,” I finished for him. “But what does that mean? I mean, are their powers different or something?”

“You’d better believe it. kid.” Aahz snorted. “Deveels are some of the meanest characters you’d ever not want to tangle with. They’re some of the most feared and respected characters in the dimensions.”

“Are they warriors? Mercenaries?”

Aahz shook his head.

“Worse!” he answered. “They’re merchants.”


“Don’t sneer, kid. Maybe merchants is too sedate a phrase to describe them. Traders Supreme is more like it.”

“Tell me more, Aahz.”

“Well, history was never my forte, but as near as I can tell, at one time the entire dimension Deva faced economic ruin. The lands suffered a plague that affected the elements. Fish could not live in its oceans, plants could not grow in the soil. Those plants that did grow were twisted and changed and poisoned the animals. The dimension was no longer able to support the life of its citizenry.”

I lay, staring up at the stars as Aahz continued his tale.

“Dimension travel, once a frivolous pastime, now became the key to survival. Many left Deva, migrating singly or in groups to other dimensions. Their tales of their barren, miserable homeland served as a prototype for many religious groups’ concept of an afterworld for evil souls.

“The ones who stayed, however, decided to use the power of dimension travel in a different way. They established themselves as traders, traveling the dimensions buying and selling wonders. What is common in one dimension is frequently rare in another. As the practice grew, they became rich and powerful . . . also the shrewdest hagglers in all the dimensions. Their techniques for driving a hard bargain have been passed down from generation to generation and polished until now they are without equal. They are scattered through the dimensions, returning to Deva only occasionally to visit the Bazaar.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert