Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Why not?”

“Because of the curse! When I returned to my horse, my faithful squire here took one look at me and fainted dead away.”

“I did no such thing! I mean … it was the heat.”

“Of course. Skeeve.” Aahz winked slyly at Quigley.

“At any rate, I soon discovered to my horror that the demon had worked a spell on me before he expired, causing me to take on the appearance of a demon to all who beheld me.”

“Fiendish. Clever, but fiendish.”

“You see the subtlety of their plan! That I, fiercest of demon hunters, am now hunted in turn by my fellow humans. I am forced to hide like an animal with only my son here for companionship.”

“I thought you said he was your squire.”

“That, too. Oh, the irony of it all.”

“Gee, that’s tough. I wish I could do something to help.”

“Maybe you can,” Aahz smiled winningly.

Quigley recoiled. I found it reassuring that someone else shared my reaction to Aahz’s smile.

“Um … how? I mean, I’m just a demon hunter.”

“Precisely how you might be of assistance. You see, at the moment we happen to have several demons following us. It occurs to me we might be of mutual service to each other. We can provide you with targets, and you in turn can rid us of a bloody nuisance.”

“They’re bloody?” Quigley was horrified.

“Just an expression. Well, what do you say? Is it a deal?”

“I dunno. I’m already on a mission and I don’t usually take on a new job until the last one’s complete. The misinformed might think I was quitting or had been scared off or something. That sort of thing is bad for the reputation.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert