Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Oh yeah? Name three. But like I say, relax. First of all, I’m not a demon.”

“Know you, demon, that this charm enables me to look through any spells and see you as you really are.”

So that was it! My confidence in my powers came back with a rush.

“Friend, though you may not believe me, the sight of that talisman fills me with joy, for it enables me to prove what I am about to tell you.”

“Do not waste your lies on me. Your disguise is penetrated! You are a demon!”

“Right. Could you do me one little favor?” Aahz leisurely sat cross-legged on the ground. “Could you take the charm off for a minute?”

“Take it off?” For a moment the man was puzzled, but he quickly rallied his forces. “Nay, demon. You seek to trick me into removing my charm that you might kill me!”

“Look, dummy. If we wanted to kill you we could have done it while you were knocked out cold!”

For the first time, the man seemed doubtful.

“That is, indeed, a fact.”

“Then could you humor me for a moment and take the charm off?”

The warrior hesitated, then slowly removed the charm. He looked hard at Aahz and scowled.

“That’s strange. You still look like a demon!”

“Correct, now let me ask you a question. Am I correct in assuming from your words you have some knowledge of demons?”

“I have been a demon hunter for over fifteen years now,” he declared proudly.

“Oh, yeah?” For a minute I was afraid Aahz was going to blow the whole gambit, but he got himself back under control and continued.

“Then tell me, friend. In your long experience with demons, have you ever met one who looked like a demon?”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert