Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Say, uh, Aahz. If you’re really trying to build up my self-confidence, how come you always cut my legs out from under me every time I start thinking I’m getting someplace?”

He stood up, sheathing his sword.

“Self-confidence is a wonderful thing, kid, but not if it isn’t justified. Someday we’ll be staking one or both of our lives on your abilities, and it won’t do us any good if you’ve been kidding yourself along. Now let’s get down to work!”

“Um … have we got the time?”

“Relax, kid. Imps are tenacious, but they travel slow.”

Our strategy upon leaving the hut had been simple. Lacking a specific direction for our search, we would trace the force lines of the world until we either found Isstvan or located another magician who would be able to steer us to him.

One might ask what force lines are. I did. Force lines, as Aahz explained them, are those paths of a world along which its energies flow most freely. In many ways, they are not unlike magnetic lines.

One might ask what magnetic lines are. I did. I will not quote Aahz’s answer to that, but it was not information.

Anyway, force lines are a magician’s ally and enemy. Those who would tap the energies of those lines usually set up residence on or near one of those lines. This makes it easier for them to draw upon the energies. It also makes it easier for their enemies to find them.

It was Aahz’s theory that searching the force lines was how Garkin was located. It was therefore logical that we should be able to find Isstvan the same way.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert