Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Hm? What is it, kid?”

“Give him back his sword!” I hissed.

“What? No way, kid. By my count he’s still got five pieces of gold left. I’ll sell it to him.”

“But he gave us his unicorn.”

“He gave us a dragon . . . your dragon! I fail to see anything benevolent in that.”

“Look, Aahz. Either you give him that sword or you can work your own magik! Get me?”

“Talk about ingratitude! Look kid, if you….”

“Aahz!” Tanda’s voice interrupted our dispute. “Come help me convince Quigley to join our mission.”

“Would that I could, milady,” Quigley sighed, “but I would be of little help. This late misfortune has left me afoot, weaponless, and penniless.”

“Actually,” Aahz chimed, “you still have five….”

I interrupted him with an elbow in his ribs.

“What was that, Aahz?” Quigley asked.

“Aah . . . my . . . um . . . squire and I were just discussing that and we have reached a decision. So … um . . . so fine a warrior should not be left so destitute, so… um… we….”

“We’ve decided to give you back your sword,” I announced proudly.

“Really?” Quigley’s face lit up.

“I didn’t know you had it in you, Aahz,” Tanda smiled sweetly.

“I say, this is comradeship indeed.” Quigley was obviously beside himself with joy. “How can I ever repay you?”

“By never mentioning this to anyone,” Aahz growled.

“How’s that again?”

“I said don’t mention it,” Aahz amended. “It’s the least we can do.”

“Believe him,” I smiled.

“Now I will gladly assist you on your mission,” Quigley answered. “Why, with a weapon and good comrades, what more could a warrior ask for?”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert