Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“That’s dimensions,” he corrected. “Well, a dimension is another world, actually one of several worlds, existing simultaneously with this one, but on different planes. Follow me?”

“No,” I admitted.

“Well, just accept that I’m from another world. Now, in that world, I’m a magician just like Garkin. We had an exchange program going where we could summon each other across the barrier to impress our respective apprentices.”

“I thought you said you were a demon,” I said suspiciously.

“I am! Look, kid. In my world, you’d be a demon, but at the current moment I’m in yours, so I’m a demon.”

“I thought you said you were a magician.”

“I don’t believe this!” The demon made his angry appeal to the heavens. “I’m standing here arguing with some twerp of an apprentice…. Look, kid.”

He fixed me with his gaze again.

“Let me try it this way. Are you going to shake my hand, or am I going to rip your heart out?”

Since he put it that way … I mean, for a minute there, when he lost his temper and started shouting, he sounded just like Garkin. It gave credibility to his claim of friendship with my ex-teacher. I took his extended hand and shook it cautiously.

“I’m…. My name is Skeeve.”

His grip was cold, but firm. So firm in fact that I found it impossible to reclaim my hand as rapidly as I would have liked.

“Pleased ta meetcha, kid. I’m Aahz.”


“No relation.”

“No relation to what?” I asked, but he was examining the room again.

“Well, there’s certainly nothing here to arouse the greedy side of his fellow beings. Early primitive, enduring, but not particularly sought after.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert