Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Frankly, Brockhurst,” responded the other. “I’d rather he remembered the loot and forgot our names.”

Their words were stuffy and casual, but the crossbows never wavered.

I was beginning to get the picture. Apparently these were the two Imps Aahz had assured me couldn’t overtake us. Fortunately, it seemed they thought I was the Imp who had killed Garkin … at least I thought it was fortunate.

“Gentlemen,” Aahz exclaimed, stepping forward. “Let me say what a great pleasure it is to….”

He stopped as Brockhurst’s crossbow leapt to his shoulder in one smooth move.

“I’m not sure who you are,” he intoned. “But I’d advise you to stay out of this. This is a private matter between the three of us.”

“Brockhurst,” interrupted Higgens. “It occurs to me we may be being a bit hasty in our actions.”

“Thank you, Higgens,” I said, greatly relieved.

“Now that we’ve established contact,” he continued, favoring me with an icy glare, “I feel we should perhaps secure our traveling companion before we continue this … discussion.”

“I suppose you’re right, Higgens,” Brockhurst admitted grudgingly. “Be a good fellow and fetch him along while I watch these two.”

“I feel that would be ill-advised on two counts. First, I refuse to approach that beast alone, and second, that would leave you alone facing two to one odds, if you get my point.”

“Quite. Well, what do you suggest?”

“That we both fetch our traveling companion and return without delay.”

“And what is to keep these two from making a hasty departure?”

“The fact that we’ll be watching them from somewhere in the darkness with crossbows. I believe that should be sufficient to discourage them from making … ah … any movements which might be subject to misinterpretation.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert