Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“You tell us!” Ames snapped. “We’ll decide •whether to believe you or not!”

“Some form of life exists on the Green Orb,” Kessler informed his questioners. “After studying its radio output, Group Q became convinced the Orb was trying to communicate with earth. But


they couldn’t decipher its messages. Then Flamm met a fellow in Shopton who claimed he was picking up space signals in his head.”

“Was the man Joe Mulver?” Tom asked.

Again Kessler stared. “That’s right. Mulver seemed like an oddball, but Flamm decided to test him. Turned out Mulver was on the level. He was able to reel off information a faker couldn’t ever have guessed.”

“How did he do it?” Tom asked.

“As near as the Group Q experts can figure out, by some form of radio telepathy. The process involves artificially induced brain waves, but the details are a mystery. Apparently Orb life is far advanced over ours, at least in its ability to communicate over long distances.”

“What about your impersonating Dr. Grimsey?” Wes N orris inquired.

“I’m coming to that,” Kessler explained. “The Green Orb life is very much afraid of the television probe that Tom Swift is planning.”

Tom gasped. “How did they know of the probe?”

“They know plenty,” Kessler replied grimly. “Whatever’s up there on the Green Orb seems able to tune in on every form of earth communication. You’d be surprised how much they were able to tell us about Enterprises. The Group Q

researchers have a hunch the Orb life can even monitor human brain waves directly.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor