Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Mulver stormed out of the house. Tom went back to the breakfast table, much embarrassed.

“Who in the world was that?” Mr. Swift asked.

Tom told about his queer visitor.

“Poor fellow,” Mrs. Swift said sympathetically. “I hope he’ll be all right.”

After breakfast Tom drove to the plant with his father. On the way, Mr. Swift inquired about the progress of Tom’s 3-D television.


“Are you at the stage yet of creating your images directly from light,” he asked, “or are you still using that bioluminescent mist?”

“Still using the mist,” Tom replied. “I have some power problems and a frequency modulation problem to figure out before I can produce colored images just out of radiant energy alone.”

“In that case, I’ve thought of a new luminescent material you can use.” Mr.

Swift pointed out that there were ways that cosmic particles could be made to glow. “With the new type of space-dust collector I’ve just perfected, you could collect a large quantity above the atmosphere.”

“Dad, that’s a terrific ideal” Tom said. “I could go up in the Challenger and gather enough for the rest of my experiments.”

The Challenger was the revolutionary repelatron-drive spaceship in which Tom had out-raced a crew of foreign cosmonauts to the moon.

“My new collector’s a simple device,” Mr. Swift said. “I’ll have one ready for you this morning.”

“Great! Then I’ll go up this afternoon.”

Arriving at Enterprises, Tom went to his glass-walled private laboratory and picked up enough electronic gear to repair the prober. Then he jeeped to the main building and ascended to the observatory. He had scarcely set to work when the telephone rang. Tom answered.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor