Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“Not quite, although I hope to achieve that later,” Tom said. “The images were formed from a chemical mist which Dr. Grimsey sprayed into 6 3-D TELEJECTOR

the air beforehand. When the telejector beam strikes the mist particles, it makes them glow.”

The chemical, Tom added, was obtained from luminescent sea creatures.

“Not a very good source


of supply, but it’s all we’ve had to work with so far.”

As Dr. Grimsey served cider and doughnuts, the girls giggled and joked about their fright.


“I suppose this was a historic moment, even if we were scared out of our wits,” Phyl said. “Will your new 3-D system revolutionize home television, Tom?”

The young inventor smiled modestly. “It will eventually, I hope, but it’s not perfected yet.”

As the foursome were driving home, Tom remarked, “Think I’ll go back to the plant tonight. I’d like to observe that new asteroid, or whatever it is.”

A strange heavenly body had been sighted by astronomers only the day before. It was apparently moving in orbit about the sun.

Phyl glanced up at the night sky from the open convertible. “Can we see it from here?”

“Not with the naked eye,” Tom said. “But if it were visible, it might be quite spectacular. It’s reportedly greenish in color.”

Bud, too, was interested in viewing the object. After driving Sandy and Phyl to their homes, the boys headed for Swift Enterprises. This was the walled, four-mile-square experimental station outside the town of Shopton where Tom Jr. and his equally famous father developed their amazing inventions.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor