Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“The pump will force the space dust into the upper tubes,” Tom explained.

“These will have fine holes so the particles can filter down through the viewing area. With the floor tubes perforated, too, the particles can be sucked in and forced up through the system again.”

“Neat,” Arv said. “I’ll get right on it.”

“Not all of these space particles will luminesce,” Tom pointed out, “so we’ll need some way to sort out the ones that do. He asked Felix Wong to build a special mass spectrometer to sort and grade the particles.

Last, he assigned Dr. Grimsey to devise a high-voltage energy-charger to activate the particles so the 3-D picture signal would make them glow.

The elderly scientist listened gravely as Tom explained the energizer circuitry he had in mind for the charger. “Crystal clear, Tom. You have already solved most of my problems.”

Tom gave a rueful grin. “Too bad I can’t solve the light-image problem just as easily.”


After the three had left, Tom seated himself at his work desk. Slide rule in hand, he tackled the job of designing circuits that would enable him to intensify the picture-signal impulses into bursts of visible light.

As Tom wrestled with a tough set of equations, the telephone jangled. Tom answered. Miss Trent told him Bernt Ahlgren was calling from Washington.

“Thanks. Put him on,” Tom said.

Ahlgren reported that the National Research Council had called an emergency conference at two o’clock that afternoon to discuss the Green Orb situation. “This is short notice, Tom, but we’d like you and your father to be present.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor