Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Tom’s father found him poking about the burned-out workshop. “No wonder your lab didn’t answer. ” The elder scientist smiled and added, “I’ve just had a call from the Council of Television and Advertising Executives.”

“What about, Dad?”

“They’re having a luncheon today, but their speaker was called away-so they want you to give a talk about your new 3-D television.”

Tom demurred, but his father urged him to accept. “It’ll do you good, son-get your mind off things. And it’s a chance to give your new invention a great publicity send-off 1”

“Hmm… . Well, maybe you’re right. Dad.”

Tom took off for New York City by helijet, accompanied by Bud, who would help him handle the telejector equipment.

After the luncheon, Tom began his presentation by explaining his 3-D TV

system. Then, while Bud panned the camera over the audience, Tom, projected their three-dimensional images near the speaker’s platform.

The room rocked with applause.

“This will certainly shake up the industry!” a network vice-president exclaimed.

A doubting advertising agency executive rose to THE GRIZZLY CLUE 139

his feet. “Your demonstration’s great,” he told Tom, “but let’s face it. This is bound to take years before it hits big. Look how long it took color TV to reach a wide public.”

Tom grinned at the challenge. “It may take time,” he agreed. “But why let that stop you, gentlemen? My 3-D telejector can revolutionize the entertainment and advertising field overnight -if you use your imaginations.”

“Are you implying a laboratory scientist would know more about that than we would?” the executive retorted sarcastically.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor