Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Bud chuckled, peering into one robot’s face. “And their ‘eyes’ are your TV

cameras, eh?”

“Right-twin inputs for a wider arc of vision.” Tom also explained that the robots’ mouths would be gas-sample intakes for checking the Orb’s thick, foglike outer atmosphere.

Chow clumped all around the metal men, scrutinizing them from every angle.

“What’re you goin’ to call the critters, Tom?” he inquired.

“Hadn’t thought about it. Any suggestions?”

“How about the Grinning Gremlins?” Bud joked.

“Come, come.” Dr. Grimsey smiled. “Surely they merit a higher rank than gremlins. These will be our daring advance scouts, striking deep into the unknown like the Vikings of old!”

“How about naming them Video Vikings?” said Tom Sr.

His suggestion was greeted with loud applause.

“Great name, Dad!” Tom agreed. “That’s it.”

After testing the robots’ camera gear and walking stability in the lab, Tom flew to Fearing with Bud and Chow. Here they took off on a quick 156 3-D TELEJECTOR

space flight in the Challenger so the Video Vikings could try out their “space legs.” The robots checked out perfectly.

Next morning, the newscasts and headlines blared a sensational announcement by Tom Swift. Everyone living in a wide Eastern area was invited to step outdoors and watch the sky at nine o’clock that night. They were also advised to have portable radios, tuned to a certain frequency.

“The famous young inventor has given no clue to what’s in store,” a newscaster reported. “One inside rumor claims that he’s planning to touch off a nuclear explosion on the Green Orb. According to another tip, he’s preparing a spectacular display of electronic fireworks. Whatever Tom Swift Jr.‘s up to, it’s a safe bet that viewers will see some amazing feat of science!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor