Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Presently Miss Trent called back. “The ranch house is on the line,” she reported, “but the owner says Mr. Uzcudun is up in the hills and it may take some time to get him to the phone.”

“Okay. Ask him if he’ll have Mr. Uzcudun call the operator as soon as it’s convenient.”


After hanging up, Tom dialed Harlan Ames and asked him to try to trace Joe Mulver.

“Any idea where he lives?” Ames inquired.

“No, but he came to the plant last Monday and then showed up at our house the next morning. Said he came a long way to see me, so he probably stayed in or around Shopton overnight. You might try checking the motels.”

With both Dr. Grimsey and Felix Wong ill, Tom realized he would have to take over most of their work on the probe robots. “Which means I’ll first have to get the telejector perfected-and in a hurry,” Tom thought ruefully.

In midafternoon, while he was at work with a soldering gun and a tangle of electronic parts, the telephone rang. Pedro Uzcudun was on the line. Tom greeted him eagerly.

“Thanks for coming so far to answer my call.”

“It is an honor that the famous Tom Swift should wish to talk to me,” Uzcudun said. “You perhaps have seen my letter to Chow, no?”

“That’s right, and I’m very much interested in those messages you’ve been picking up. Could you come to Enterprises so we can experiment and try to learn more about them?”

Uzcudun was greatly pleased at the young inventor’s interest. He said another man at the ranch could tend his herd for a few weeks and that he could leave for Shopton any time.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor