Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“We’re heading back to base,” Tom reported to Fearing.

“Roger! … Keep in touch.”

“Any idea what caused us to black out, Tom?” Hank inquired.

“Just a guess, but I’d say there’s something about the Orb’s electromagnetic emanations which induces unconsciousness,” Tom said. “If that’s the answer, there’s nothing mysterious about it. Brain researchers have found it’s possible to put people to sleep by electrically stimulating the basal forebrain-and doctors have used electrical anesthesia, too.”

The astronauts were glum over the failure of their space expedition. To pass the flight time more quickly, they took turns napping.

Although it was after dark when the Challenger came down on Fearing Island, Bernt Ahlgren was waiting eagerly in Washington for Tom’s report. The young inventor called him long-distance.

“Bernt, I think the best way to learn more about the Green Orb will be to send up an unmanned probe,” Tom said.

“You mean rely on instrumentation?”

“Not exactly,” Tom replied. “I’ll design some robots that can get around as well as human spacemen and equip them with a new type oŁ three-dimensional television I’m working on.”


When Tom explained what he had in mind, the government scientist was enthusiastic. “Get going on the project,” Ahlgren urged. “You can regard this as official authorization, pending a contract.”

“Okay, Bernt,” Tom promised. “Your word is all we need.”

Tom and Bud started back to Enterprises by helijet. As their Whirling Duck neared the mainland, Tom noticed the diner sign. It reminded him of the plan to keep watch for anyone coming to collect the data tapes. “Wonder if our lookout’s had any luck?” he muttered.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor