Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Some were pulling apart from each other to form gaping maws which threatened to suck down the moving robots. Tom hastily worked the radio controls and the Video Vikings jetted safely upward.

The scientists watched as Tom guided his robots on a complete orbit of the weird space voyager. Everywhere, their camera eyes showed the same green landscape. At last Tom directed them back to the rocket ship and the three-dimensional scene faded from view.

Bernt Ahlgren called an immediate conference to discuss their next move.

“I’ll go to the Green Orb by spaceship,” Tom declared. “This probe has revealed what the Orb is like, but only a manned landing can give us all the answers to this space mystery.”

The scientists’ faces showed concern.

“Whatever the Orb’s controlling intelligence may be, we know it’s hostile, Tom,” Dr. Palfrey pointed out. “To you in particular!”

“All the more reason to force a showdown,” Tom argued. “The Orb is disrupting communications and may threaten our national security. We don’t know where it came from or why. It may endanger all earth life. Should we sit around and wait for that to happen?”

Tom let his words sink in, then went on, “If we A “LIVE” 3-D-CAST 165

make a manned landing, perhaps we can arrive at some understanding with whatever kind of intelligence exists on the Orb.”

“You expect to be able to communicate with the Orb life?” Ahlgren asked.

“Why not, if it can monitor our brain-wave output? It communicated with Group Q.”

“But to go with no means of defense or protection …” Ahlgren shook his head worriedly.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor