Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Next morning, over a late breakfast, Tom lis—


tened to a radio newscast. Again his new 3-D television system was mentioned. He drove off to work, very much annoyed at the news leak.

Minutes after he arrived at Enterprises, Mr. Swift landed in a cargo jet from The Citadel. Tom greeted him in their big double office and related everything that had happened.

“This leaves a big load on your shoulders, son,” Mr. Swift said. “Can I give you a hand?”

“That would be great, Dad!” Tom exclaimed. “It has been months since we teamed on a project. But how about your atomic research?”

“Give me this morning to get things squared away and I’ll be ready for you.”

Ames came into Tom’s laboratory later. “The switchboard’s flooded with calls about your 3-D TV,” he reported. “Newsmen, manufacturers, TV big shots-they all want the inside dope.”

“What’s being done about it?” Tom queried.

“Don’t worry. Your dad’s handling the calls so you won’t be disturbed.

Incidentally, we checked out that leak.”

“Who spilled the news?” Tom asked.

“Fosburg, at Teletron. He blabbed to a reporter. When I called to check, he said he didn’t think it would matter since we were planning a publicity release soon.”

Tom grimaced. “My fault for mentioning it.”

In spite of the mounting pressure, Tom found it hard to work. He felt depressed and worried about Dr. Grimsey, and the illness of Felix and 138 3-D TELEJECTOR

Arv. Unable to concentrate, he went over to the Special Projects building in the hope of salvaging some parts from the ruined robots.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor