Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Bud gave a puzzled nod.

“In other words,” Tom went on, “you assumed he was talking about the diner.

But he could have meant the real Green Orb!”

“Jumpin* jets! I never thought of that!” Bud


gasped. “Are you implying that your enemies may have something to do with that green space spook?”

Tom shrugged uneasily. “I wish I knew. How about the lighter? Still got it?”

Bud searched his pockets and then played Tom’s flashlight over the ground.

The metal cigarette lighter was nowhere to be seen.

“That man must have taken it,” Tom said. “We’d better go in and give Bob the all-clear.”

Next day, Tom reported the matter to Ames and then visited Pedro Uzcudun.

The Basque said he had picked up no messages during the night.

“Keep trying,” Tom encouraged him. “This experiment may take a while.”

As the young inventor drove to his lab on a motor scooter, he saw a familiar bearded figure approaching the Special Projects building. Tom braked and called out, “Hi, Dr. Grimseyl Welcome back!”

The elderly scientist turned. Tom was shocked at the man’s appearance. He was gaunt and stooped, and his illness seemed to have left other changes. But there was no mistaking the bushy hair and whiskers or the horn-rimmed eyeglasses and the hearing aid protruding from his left ear.

“Ah, good morning, Tom!” Dr. Grimsey’s voice was still rather low and weak.

“Glad you made such a fast recovery,” Tom said, shaking hands. “Think you’re up to going



back on the job so soon without a little more rest?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor