Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“I know-she signals you by radio,” Tom said.

“Yes. I suppose it was easy for a scientist like you to guess it. As a matter of fact, I’ve taken ESP tests-that is, tests for extrasensory perception-at a university parapsychology lab and I’ve scored unusually high. So perhaps I am somewhat psychic. However, my mind reading depends on trickery.”

“I understand,” Tom said. “Please go on.”

Lunario frowned again and rubbed his forehead. “The strange thing is, when I started to answer your question out there, I suddenly began to receive some kind of message. I had a terribly


strong impression of an outside force threatening you-that’s what frightened me. Believe me, I think your life is really in danger!”

“I see.” Tom stared at Lunario thoughtfully. “Well, thank you for telling me.”

Sandy and Phyl both looked worried as they left the dressing room with the boys.

“Jeepers! I don’t like this!” Sandy murmured. “You don’t suppose his warning could be true?”

“Fat chance,” Bud scoffed. “I’ll bet the whole thing was a publicity gag. Ten to one there’ll be a write-up in the Bulletin tomorrow and a big interview with Lunario!”

“What do you think, Tom?” Phyl asked.

The young inventor shrugged. “I can’t help feeling Lunario was on the level.

But that’s just a hunch. He may be a phony-or a nut.”

Soon the show’s final number was over. The audience filed out and the orchestra left the pit. People stopped to chat in the lobby, and Sandy and Phyl paused to speak to some friends.

A pretty black-haired girl behind the candy counter caught sight of Tom and his companions. She waved and pointed to Tom Swift.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor