Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“We’re going to try.” Tom chuckled. He drove his guest to the infirmary to meet Doc Simpson.

After chatting with Uzcudun, Doc said, “We have a room all ready for you, facing the sun deck. Perhaps you’d like to see it.”

When Uzcudun said he would, Doc Simpson led them to a spacious, comfortably furnished room on the top floor. Near a reclining easy chair stood a small machine, studded with dials and knobs and mounted on a wheeled stand.

“This is an electroencephalograph,” Doc said.

The Basque shepherd smiled apologetically. “Beg pardon, senor-I do not understand.”

“The human brain generates small electrical currents,” Doc Simpson explained. “This machine picks up and amplifies those currents and shows A MYSTERIOUS INTRUDER 101

them on this scope. Suppose we try it. Please sit down.”

He pasted two small electrical leads to the shepherd’s temples and switched on the machine. A flickering sine wave of light appeared on the scope.

“This is the pattern of current your brain is generating now. It’s called the alpha rhythm.”

“Most amazing!” Uzcudun murmured, wide-eyed.

Tom explained, “Whenever you receive one of those messages or visions in your head, Pete, we’ll record the wave pattern. With luck, we may be able to relate the message to the pattern-and maybe in time we can tell what’s passing through your brain just by watching the scope.”

“Ah! Like reading a secret code, eh?”

“Exactly,” Tom said. “These messages may be coming from the Green Orb.

The national radio telescope in West Virginia is being kept tuned to it. Once we crack the code, we might read a meaning right from the Orb’s wave graphs.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor