Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“Call Doc! We’ll be right with you!” Tom exclaimed. Pulling on his jacket, he dashed outside. Tom had purposely driven an atomicar home from the plant in case of a call from the shepherd. He slid behind the wheel, closed the transparent canopy, and zoomed aloft.

In minutes Tom landed on the hilltop near the trailer. Doc Simpson came swooping down in another atomicar. Uzcudun had dragged a comfortable chair outdoors and the portable EEG machine stood just inside the doorway. Doc attached the electrodes and Pete settled back to gaze up at the starry night sky.

“The Orb … the Green Orb,” he muttered tensely. “The plot against Tom Swift … is succeeding… . More trouble tonight.”

Suddenly Doc Simpson gasped and grabbed Tom’s arm. “Look, skipper!” He pointed toward Swift Enterprises, visible in the distance below. Orange flame and billowing smoke were shooting up from inside the experimental stationl CHAPTER XVI


TOM stared in dismay at the plant fire. “Come on, Doc!” he cried. “We may be needed!”

Without waiting for the medic to detach the EEG electrodes, Tom climbed into his atomicar and streaked toward Enterprises.

Nearing the plant, Tom’s feeling of shock was intensified-the blaze was roaring up from the Special Projects building. Waves of heat buffeted his flying car as he landed near the crackling inferno.

Tom leaped out, shielding his eyes from the glare of the fire. “Good grief!” he thought. “All my special projects going up in smoke!”

The plant’s warning siren had alerted everyone at the experimental station.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor