Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“You could be right,” Ames said. “But I’m still going to double the security guards.”

Tom had detailed Bud to make the flight to Texas, and Chow Winkler had asked to go along. They had already taken off in the Sky Queen when Tom arrived at Enterprises. The huge supersonic plane-atomic-powered and equipped with lifter jets-had been Tom’s first major invention. It was equipped for scientific research and was often called the Flying Lab.

Tom plunged into work, knowing that the burden of readying the TV space probe now rested on him. He completed his light-image circuitry and tested it in hookup with the telejector. It worked fairly well, but Tom was not satisfied with the quality of the three-dimensional images.

“Too dim for daylight viewing,” he thought. “I’d better step up the amplification.”

Later there was a call from the airfield tower. “The Sky Queen just landed, skipper.”

“Great! Thanks, Art.” Tom alerted Doc Simp—


son, with whom he had discussed his plans for making experiments with the Basque shepherd. Then he drove out to the field to meet his guest.

Pedro Uzcudun was a short, stocky man with a deeply tanned face. His shirt was open at the neck and he wore a black beret.

“A great pleasure to meet you,” the Basque said, squeezing Tom’s hand in a powerful grip.

“I appreciate your coming here all the way from Texas, Mr. Uzcudun,” Tom replied.

“Pedro will do-or better yet, Pete.”

“Thanks. And call me Tom, please.”

“I’ll call you both ring-tailed snorters if you kin learn how to tune your heads like a radio!” Chow broke in.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor