Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Long before the appointed time that evening, spectators began thronging outdoors from town homes, farmhouses, and other buildings. Some carried table radios, some clutched transistor sets with earplugs. Buses, trains, telephone exchanges, and other public facilities noticed a sharp dropoff in patronage. All eyes were glued to the heavens.


Suddenly, at the stroke of nine, a gigantic three-dimensional image of Tom Swift Jr. appeared in the night sky. The 3-D picture, projected from the Enterprises observatory, was visible for hundreds of miles!

“Good evening, everyone!” Tom’s voice was picked up on a million loudspeakers. “You are about to witness a demonstration of my new 3-D

television. I’ve decided to use this opportunity to try to interest the youth of America in scientific careers-the most exciting work of the twentieth century!

Tonight you’ll see some of the thrilling fields of research in which a scientific worker can take part-also some of the things we’re doing at Swift Enterprises. But first I’d like to present the man who introduced me to science-Tom Swift Sr.”

Mr. Swift’s image spoke briefly on the importance of a sound education. Then scene after scene of laboratory research and testing flashed into the sky as he and Tom took the audience on a tour of their experimental station.

Next, Sandy described careers for girls in science and showed taped interviews with leading women engineers and researchers.

As a climax, the audience saw a huge image of the Green Orb probe rocket roaring aloft from its pad-then a close-up of the Swifts’ outpost in space, followed by exciting scenes of Tom’s jet-marines, diving seacopters, atomic earth blaster, and other inventions in action.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor