Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“There are some calculations I’d like to go over in my study,” he explained.

Sandy smiled. “Of course. Go right ahead.”

The crew-cut young inventor got up to accompany their host. Bud rose, too, saying, “I want to listen in on these geniuses.”

Left alone, the girls made a closer inspection of the room. The walls were covered with dark-patterned paper, and red-plush drapes hung at the windows.

The furniture was massive and old-fashioned.

“What a gloomy place!” Sandy murmured. “Imagine being alone here on a stormy nightl”


A grandfather clock ticked loudly in the silence. Suddenly Phyl gave a stifled gasp and pointed with a quivering hand.

“Sandy! Look!”

A weird figure had materialized from a dark corner of the room! It was a peg-legged man in a brass-buttoned coat with a sea captain’s hat pulled low over his eyes. He was drenched and dripping, and seaweed clung to his clothes’. As he moved out of the corner, a low moan came from his lips.

The girls watched, frozen with terror.

“H-h-he’s dripping wet,” Phyl whispered, “but he’s not leaving any tracks on the carpet!”

“He just can’t be a ghost!” Sandy insisted. She spoke to the figure but it made no reply.

Summoning all her nerve, Sandy got up and approached the specter. She reached out to touch him-but her hand went through his body!

The girls screamed and flew into each other’s arms. They were clinging in panic as Tom, Bud, and Dr. Grimsey came rushing into the parlor.

“What’s wrong?” Tom inquired.

“W-w-we just saw the ghost!” Phyl quavered.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor