Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Tom mulled this over, then asked Pete, “How would you like to bunk out by yourself for a while in a cabin up on a hill?”

The Basque shepherd’s face brightened. “A fine idea, I think! Is it possible?”

“Sure thing.” Tom turned to Bud. “Remember that shack at the foot of the hill where we waited for the brain energy from Planet X?”

Bud grinned. “How could I forget old Exman!”


“Okay, here’s a hurry-up job. Get a work crew and erect a house trailer on the hilltop. Install this electroencephalograph in it. And run a phone extension line up from the old shack.”

Bud saluted. “Can do, boss! We’ll have it ready before we knock off this evening!”

As Bud left, Tom asked about Felix and Arv.

“No improvement,” Doc reported, his face grave. “Their fever was slightly higher last time I checked, and both are still in a coma.”

Worried, Tom went to his lab and resumed work on the camera gear for the probe robots. About five o’clock Ames came into the laboratory. Tom was intent on the electron lenses he was constructing, but when he glanced up, he could tell by Ames’s expression that something was wrong.

“Trouble?” Tom asked tersely.

“More blueprints are missing-and they weren’t mislaid. They’re plans for some of your most important inventions.” Tom started to break in with a question, but Ames went on, “Yes, no need to ask-it’s an inside job, skipper. Someone at Enterprises is working for your enemy.”

Tom was shocked by the news. “Any leads?”

“Not yet, but don’t start worrying. Leave that to me. You have enough on your mind.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor