Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“I’m sure glad he pulled through,” Tom said. “Okay if I stop in and say hello to him?”

“He’s napping. Better not disturb him. By the way, you know how absent-minded he is-”

Tom chuckled. “I think he keeps his hearing


aid turned down on purpose sometimes so people won’t disturb his thoughts.”

“Well, this illness probably hasn’t improved his memory, so you may have to be a bit patient with him.” Doc added that Felix Wong and Arv Hanson were both in serious condition.

Tom jeeped back to his laboratory, his thoughts on the disturbing events of the last few days. Uzcudun’s report seemed to bear out Lunario’s warning of danger. Again the letter Q had cropped up! Could Tom’s enemies be engaged in some kind of project connected with life on the Green Orb?

Pushing the problem to the back of his mind, Tom finished work on the light-image circuitry for his telejector. It tested out perfectly, producing sharp, clear-colored images that looked amazingly real. Pleased, Tom called Dave Bogard, a Swift electronics engineer, and showed him the breadboard model. “Copy this in printed circuitry that can be installed in the telejector,” Tom told him.

“Sure, skipper. Right away.”

Late in the afternoon Bud Barclay wandered into the laboratory as Tom was working on the TV cameras to be installed in his probe robots.

“Those rocket tubes you ordered for the Orb shot are on their way to Fearing Island,” Bud reported. “Got another job I can do for you, pal?”

Tom groped in the pocket of his sport coat,

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Categories: Appleton, Victor