Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Tom’s jaw tightened. “Okay. Anything else?”

“We got a line on Mulver, but it’s not much help. He lived over in Carterton.”

“Hasn’t he gone back there?”


Ames shook his head. “No, his sister says he never returned from Shopton.

But she got a mysterious card from him Saturday, postmarked New York with no return address.”

“What did it say?” Tom asked, intrigued.

“That he had landed a big job and she might not hear from him for a while.

No details.”

Tom frowned. “Somehow I don’t like the sound of that, Harlan.”

“Neither do I.”

Tom’s evening meal was a bowl of soup urged on him by Chow. The young inventor worked for several hours more, trying to make up for the time he had lost because of Horst. When he finally went home, Mrs. Swift prepared a tasty snack for him. Then she and Sandy sat in the living room with Tom, listening to the late TV news.

They were startled as the announcer ended the newscast by saying, “According to a report just received, the famous young inventor, Tom Swift Jr., has developed a new three-dimensional television system. No details are available, but knowing Tom Swift, we predict the TV world is in for a revolutionary surprise!”

“I thought it was still to be a deep, dark secret, Tom!” Sandy exclaimed.

“So did I,” her brother said ruefully. He wondered whether the news leak had come from Horst, Fosburg, or someone at Enterprises.

The phone rang. Tom answered it.


“This is Pete Uzcudun, Tom,” said an excited voice. “Moving up on this hill has turned the trick! Already I’m picking up something!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor