Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Is he a sensible person?”

Chow nodded vigorously. “Yes, he is, Tom. I don’t cotton much to sheepmen, but Pete’s as nice an’ level-headed an hombre as I ever met.”

Tom frowned. “In that case, it may not be foolish after all.”

“Then you think he ain’t tetched?”

“Chow, I may be tetched in the head, myself, but that letter has just given me a wild hunch.”

Before Tom could explain, the door of the laboratory burst open. Bud Barclay came striding in. The young copilot looked upset. “Have you heard about Felix Wong, Tom?” he asked.

“What about him?”

“He’s just been taken ill. Had to be rushed to the infirmary. Doc Simpson says it looks like the same thing that hit Dr. Grimsey!”



TOM and Chow were very much upset to hear of Felix’s sudden illness.

“Have you seen him, Bud?” Tom asked.

“Yes, I was with Felix when he keeled over. By the time the ambulance arrived, he was out like a light.”

Tom called Doc Simpson at once for the latest word on Wong’s condition.

“Same symptoms as Dr. Grimsey’s,” the medic reported worriedly. “A sudden onset of illness with a loss of consciousness and a very high fever. There’s not much else I can tell you at this point, skipper … but I do have good news about Grimsey.”

“Let’s hear it! I can stand some.”

“He came out of his coma early this morning and his temperature is back to normal. I’d say he’s definitely on the mend.”



“I’m sure glad to hear that,” Tom said. “Let’s hope Felix recovers just as quickly.”

Chow brought lunch for Bud. While they ate, Tom discussed the letter from Uzcudun.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor