Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“You have good news?” Fosburg’s image asked.

“The best,” replied Horst’s ghostly double. “I’ve persuaded Swift to make a deal.”

The blackmailer’s face began to ooze perspiration as the scene unreeled.

Presently the tape reached a point where Horst was boasting: “Then, after I gave Swift enough time to disarm the bomb, I told him to look in the safe and gave him the combination.” The image burst into chuckles. “The poor sap didn’t know I had a hidden camera rigged to—”

“Stop!” Horst blurted. “You don’t have to go on-I realize you’ve got the goods on me!”

Tom switched off the telejector and Ames said with relish, “For your information, Horst, we’re turning this video tape over to the police.”

“No! Please!” the engineer begged. “There’s no need for that! I’ll be ruined!”

“Not only ruined,” Ames said. “You’ll spend the next few years in prison for blackmail.”

Horst looked as if he were about to collapse. “Can’t we make a deal?” he whined. “I’ll do anything!”


Ames began to question him about Flamm and Sturko and the disease plot.

Horst vigorously denied knowing anything about them and sounded as if he were telling the truth.

After a conference with Tom, Ames told Horst they would not press charges provided he signed a full confession and handed over the negative and all prints of the blackmail photograph. Horst eagerly agreed and produced the negative and several prints from his zippered case. Then a stenographer was called in to take down his confession.

After Horst had slunk out of the office, Fosburg turned to Tom. “I’m sorry for what happened. I hope you won’t hold it against me.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor