Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

Suddenly the mind reader’s voice choked off. His face contorted in a spasm of terror as he croaked, “No! … Oh, no! … Tom Swift, your life is in terrible danger!”

Lunario tried to go on but seemed unable to speak. He clawed at his blindfold, then staggered backward and collapsed!

The audience gasped. In a moment the theater was in an uproar. Tom hesitated for an instant, then dashed down the aisle to the stage, with Bud following. The theater manager, white-faced and anxious, came hurrying from the wings.

“P-p-please be calm, ladies and gentlemen!” he exclaimed. “Lunario appears to have fainted, but I’m sure he’ll be all right. If you’ll remain seated, we’ll go on with the next act!”

The lights dimmed and the orchestra began playing as Tom and Bud carried Lunario to his dressing room, guided by the manager. A doctor came from the audience to examine the performer.


“Nothing serious, apparently,” the medic reported. “He seems to have undergone a nervous shock, but his pulse is returning to normal.”

Later, Lunario was reviving when a knock was heard at the door. Outside stood Sandy and Phyl, who had come backstage to join the boys.

“Is he all right?” Sandy asked anxiously, glancing at the figure on the couch.

“The doctor thinks so,” Tom murmured.

Presently Lunario opened his eyes. After sipping some water, he stared at Tom. “I still can’t understand it,” the performer muttered.

“You mean, what happened on stage?” Tom asked.

Lunario nodded and frowned. “I’m going to tell you the truth,” he said. “I’m not psychic. My mind-reading act is a stunt. It depends on-well, on an arrangement with my assistant.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor