Heinlein, Robert A – To Sail Beyond the Sunset

by her rules. Hers were sensible rules; they had worked for her; they would work for


Oh, my rules were not exactly like my mother’s rules because our circumstances were

not exactly alike. For example, a major chore for my brothers was sawing and chopped

wood; my sons did not chop wood because our home in Kansas City was heated by a coal

furnace. But they did tend the furnace, fill the coal bin (coal was delivered to the

kerb, followed by the backbreaking chore of carrying ir a bucket at a time to a

chute that led to the coal bin), and clean out the ashes and haul them up the

basement stairs and out.

There were other differences. My boys did not have to carry water for baths; in

Kansas City we had running water. And so forth… My sons worked as hard as my

brothers had, but differently. A city house with electricity and gas and a coal

furnace does not create anything like the heavy chores that a country house in the

Gay Nineties did. The house I was brought up in had no running water, no plumbing of

any sort, no central heating. It was lit by coal-oil lamps and by candles, both

homemade and store-bought, and it was heated by wood stoves: a big baseburner in the

parlour, a drum stove in the clinic, monkey stoves elsewhere. No stoves upstairs…

but grilles ser in the ceilings allowed heated air to reach the upper floor.

Ours was one of the larger houses in town, and possibly the most modern, as Father

was quick to adopt any truly useful new invention as soon as it was available. In

this he consciously imitated Mr Samuel Clemens.

Father judged Mr Clemens to be one of the smartest and possibly the smartest man in

America. Mr Clemens was seventeen years older than Father; he first became aware of

‘Mark Twain’ with the Jumping Frog story. From that time on Father read everything

by Mr Clemens he could lay hands on.

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Heinlein, Robert A – To Sail Beyond the Sunset.txt

The year I was born Father wrote to Mr Clemens, complimenting him on A Tramp Abroad.

Mr Clemens sent a courteous and dryly humorous answer; Father framed it and hung it

on the wall of his clinic. Thereafter Father wrote to Mr Clemens as each new book by

‘Mark Twain’ appeared. As a direct result, young Maureen read all of Mr Clemens’

published works, curled up in a corner of her father’s clinic. These were not books

that Mother read; she considered them vulgar and destructive of good morals. By her

values Mother was correct; Mr Clemens was clearly subversive by the standards of all

‘right-thinking’ people.

I am forced to assume that Mother could spot an immoral book by its odour, as she

never, never actually read anything by Mr Clemens.

So those books stayed in the clinic and I devoured them there, along with other

books never seen in the parlour-not just medical books, but such outright subversion

as the lectures of Colonel Robert Ingersoll and (best of all) the essays of Thomas

Henry Huxley.

I’ll never forget the afternoon I read Professor Huxley’s essay on ‘The Gaderene


‘Father,’ I said in deep excitement, ‘they’ve lied to us all along!’

‘Probably,’ he agreed. ‘What are you reading?’

I told him. `Well, you’ve read enough of it for today; Professor Huxley is strong

medicine. Let’s talk for a while.

How are you doing with the Ten Commandments? Got your final version?’

`Maybe,’ I answered.

`How many are there now?’

‘Sixteen, I think.’

`Too many.’

`If you would just let me chuck the first five -‘

`Not while you’re under my roof and eating at my table. You see me attending church

and singing hymns, do you not? I don’t even sleep during the sermon. Maureen,

rubbing blue mud in your belly button is an indispensable survival skill…

everywhere, anywhere. Let’s hear your latest version of the first five.’

‘Father, you are a horrid man and you will come to a bad end.’

‘Not as long as I can keep dodging them. Quit stalling.’

`Yes, sir. First Commandment: Thou shalt pay public homage to the god favoured by

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