Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

inside. The interior was close and airless, and dust hung in the

air in visible layers. She closed the door behind them. They

moved across the room to a second door and from there into

another room, equally stifling. A tiny courtyard opened be-

yond, and they crossed through the early morning shadows and

The Talismans of Shannara 241

the faint scent of wildflowers inexplicably growing in one sun-

drenched comer of the otherwise withered yard to an open-

fronted shed filled with old tools and workbenches. Damson

left her companions there and went off with a tin bowl. When

she returned, the bowl was filled with water, and the three sat

down to wash themselves off.

When they were scrubbed clean again, they dug through the

bundles of rags and pulled out their good clothes. Stripping off

the old, they redressed and sat down on a pair of the work-

benches to discuss what would happen next.

“I’ll go out first to try to make contact with the Mole,”

Damson said, still combing out the knots from her tangled red

hair. Carefully she tied it all back and tucked it into a scarf.

“There are signs I can leave that he will understand. When

that’s done, I’ll come back and we’ll see what we can discover

about Padishar. Then I’ll have to put you somewhere while I

go wait for the Mole. He might not come if he sees all of

us—he doesn’t know either of you and he will be very careful

after what’s happened. If he comes, he and I will go after

Chandos and the rest, and we will meet up with you again by

dawn. If he doesn’t come—”

“Don’t say it,” Morgan cut her short. “Just do the best you


Damson looked at Matty. “How well do you know the

cityf ”

“Well enough to stay out of trouble.”

Damson nodded. “If anything happens to me, you will have

to get Morgan out of here.”

“Wait a minute!” Morgan exclaimed. “I’m not going to—”

“You are going to do what you are told. Your plans count

for nothing if I fail. If the Federation has the Mole or if they

capture me, there isn’t anything more to be done.”

Morgan stared at her, silenced by the anger and determina-

tion he found in her green eyes.

Matty took his arm and moved him back a step. “I’ll look

after him,” she promised.

Damson nodded, and her face softened a shade. She rose,

wrapped her cloak about, gave them a short nod, and disap-

peared back the way she had come. Morgan stared after her,

feeling helpless. She was right. There was nothing he could do

242 The Talismans of Shannara

if she failed. The success of any plan he devised depended on

the girl and the Mole bringing Chandos and the free-born into

the city. Without the free-born or the magic of his Sword, he

would not be able to help Padishar. Such a slender thread for

events to hang upon, he thought grimly.

“Care for something to eat? ” Matty Roh asked cheerfully,

her dark eyes questioning, and offered him an apple.

They waited within the shade of the storage shed, secluded

and alone in the little, closed-about courtyard until almost mid-

day. The air grew steamy and thick with heat, and the sun

burned a slow trail across the stones and withered grass, climb-

ing the north wall east to west like the spread of spilled paint.

Morgan dozed for a time, weary from the long march in and

the uncertain night sleeping before the gates in his uncomfort-

able disguise. He found himself thinking of Par and Coil and

the days before the Shadowen and Allanon, of the times they

had spent hunting and fishing in the Highlands, of his own

boyhood, of the long slow days when life had seemed an ex-

citing game. He thought of Steff and Granny Elise and Auntie

Jilt. He thought of Quickening. They were memories of a past

that lost a little of its color with the passing of every day. They

all seemed to have disappeared from his life a very long time

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Categories: Terry Brooks