Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

She flattened herself in the wash and peered skyward. The

moon was there, and the stars, and nothing else. Shades! She

came to her knees. The wash offered her some protection, but

not nearly enough. And the night was no friend, for the war

shrike’s eyesight was ten times better than her own. It could

see her clearly in the wash, and she could see nothing of it.

She rose and sent the Elven magic stabbing out, hoping to

get lucky. The fire raced away, working across the flats, and

she felt the power rush through her. She howled in exhilara-

tion, unable to help herself, saw the war shrike coming just an

instant before it reached her, swung the magic about

furiously—too late—and threw herself down once more. But

her quickness saved her, the blue fire of the Elfstones forcing

the shrike to change direction at the last minute, causing it to

miss her once again.

She saw Tib Ame this time, just a glimpse as he streaked

past, blond hair flying. She heard his cry of rage and frustra-

tion, and she shrieked out after him, furious, taunting.

The skies went still, the land silent. She huddled in the

wash, shaking and sweating, the Elfstones clenched in her

hand. She was going to lose this fight if she didn’t do some-

338 The Talismans of Shannara

thing to change the odds. Sooner or later, Gloon was going to

get through.

Then she heard a new cry, this one far off to the west, a wild

shriek that pierced the suffocating silence. She turned toward

it, recognizing it yet unable to place it. A bird, a Roc. It came

again, quick and challenging.

Spirit! It was Spirit!

She watched his dark shadow race out of the night, coming

down from high up, as swift as thought. Spirit, she thought—

and that meant Tiger Ty! Hope surged through her. She started

to rise, to cry out in response, then flattened herself again

quickly. Gloon was still out there, looking for an opportunity

to finish her off. Her eyes swept the darkness, searching in

vain. Where was the shrike?

Then Gloon rose out of the dark to meet this new chal-

lenger, thick black body gathering speed. Wren scrambled to

her feet, shouting in warning. Spirit came on, then at the last

possible moment veered aside so that the war shrike swept past

harmlessly and wheeled about to give chase. The giant birds

circled each other cautiously, feinting and dodging, working

for an advantage. Wren gritted her teeth, earthbound and help-

less. Gloon was bigger than Spirit and trained to kill. Gloon

was a Shadowen, and had the magic to sustain him. Spirit was

brave and quick, but what chance did he stand?

There was a flurry of movement as the birds came at eacb

other, locked momentarily in a shriek of rage, and then broke

apart again. Once more they began to circle, each trying to get

above the other. Wren came out of the wash and back onto the

flat of the plain. She moved after them as they edged away,

following because she did not want to lose contact, still deter-

mined to help. She could not leave this battle to Tiger Ty and

the Roc. This was not their fight. It was hers.

Again the birds dove at each other and locked, talons and

beaks tearing and ripping. Black shadows against the moonlit

sky, they twisted and turned, their wings flailing madly as they

spiraled down. Wren raced after them, Elfstones in hand. Just

let me get close enough! was all she could think.

At what seemed the last possible second the birds broke

apart, staggering rather than flying away from each other,

feathers and gristle and blood falling away from their tattered

The Talismans of Shannara 339

bodies. Wren gritted her teeth in rage. Gloon shook himself

and rose, flattening out in a long slow spiral. Spirit arced up-

ward and fell back, wobbly and unsure. He tried to right him-

self shuddered once, dropped earthward, and vanished. Wren

gasped in dismay—then caught her breath in wonder as Spirit

suddenly reappeared, steady once more, miraculously recov-

ered. A feint! Directly under Gloon now, he rose from the

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Categories: Terry Brooks