Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

way, at least, was clear, and in the distance he could see mom-

ing’s light edging above the Runne’s horizon.

Walker was looking that way as well, he saw. Walker, all in

black now, bearded and pale, but looking somehow stronger

than he had ever looked, filled with a fire that burned just be-

neath the surface. Like Allanon, Par thought. As Allanon had

once been. Walker stared momentarily toward the opening, un-

decided, the others crouching close to Par, but facing back to-

ward the closed doors and the open stairwell, weapons held


“Which way!” hissed the dark-haired girl.

Walker turned and moved swiftly to join them, decided now.

“We came for Par and to set free what they keep imprisoned

in the castle depths. We’re not finished.”

Damson’s arms came around Par and she was holding him

as if she might never let go. Par hugged her back, telling her

it was all right, that he was safe now, wondering if he really

was, wondering still what had happened. The magic of the

wishsong was his again, but he remained uncertain even so of

what it might do.

The Talismans of Shannara 419

But at least I am not a Shadowen! At least I know that!

Cell was standing close to Walker. “The door with the

crossbars—over there—leads down a corridor to the cellar

steps. Do we go? ”

Walker nodded. “Quickly. Stay together!”

They went across the room in a rush, and as they did so, a

black shape flung itself down the stairs and onto the dark-

haired girl. She sidestepped the attack, and the thing turned on

her instantly, hissing and red-eyed, flinging up hands with

claws of fire. But Rumor caught it before it could strike, tear-

ing it down the middle and throwing it aside.

Walker flung open the door with the crossbars, and they

surged through, leaving the stairwell and their pursuers to fol-

low. The corridor was high and dark, and they slipped down it

cautiously, eyes skittering through the shadows. Rumor was

back in front, cat eyes sharper than their own, leading the way.

From somewhere below came the sound of grinding, then a

long sigh, a breathing out. The castle of the Shadowen shud-

dered in response, like the skin of something living that

flinched with a skip in the beating of its heart. What was down

there? Par wondered. Not the crashing of waves on the rocks

as Rimmer Dall had told him—another lie. Something more.

Something so important that Walker would risk everything

rather than leave it. Did he know what it was? Had Allanon

given him the answers they had all been searching for?

There was no time to find that out now. Shadows filled the

opening behind them, and Morgan whirled back and sent the

fire of the Sword of Lean surging into them. They scattered

and disappeared, but were back in a moment. Coil was whis-

pering urgently to Walker, giving him directions to the corridor

leading down, but Walker seemed to know where he was go-

ing, pulling Coil after him, keeping him close. The others fol-

lowed in their wake, hugging the walls. Shadows spun out of

the darkness ahead, but they were merely reflections of what

followed. Par clutched Damson against him and ran on,

They reached a landing that opened onto stairs winding

down into the fortress depths, and now the sounds of what was

kept below became clear and distinct. It was the breathing of

some great animal, rising and falling, wheezing as if the air

passed through a throat parched and constricted from lack of


The Talismans of Shannara

water. The grinding was the sound of movement, like the

weight of stones shifting in an avalanche.

Black-cloaked forms appeared on the stairs below, and

Shadowen fire burned toward them in sharp red spears. Walker

threw up a shield that shattered the attack and struck back.

Other shadows came out of halls intersecting the one that

brought them. The Shadowen were all around, black and

soundless and frenzied in their attack. Morgan turned to protect

the rear while Walker led the way, the others crouching in be-

tween. They moved quickly down the steps, feeling the castle

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Categories: Terry Brooks