Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

Shadowen closing from everywhere, fighting to get past Morgan

Lean, back on his feet once more, and Rumor, who seemed in-

destructible. But it was too late for them. This moment be-

longed to Par and his friends and allies, to all those who had

fought to bring it about, to the living and the dead, to the brave.

He summoned the magic of the wishsong one final time,

brought all of it to bear, the whole of what burned within

him, evolved out of his birthright into the monster that had

nearly consumed him. He summoned it forth and shaped it

once more into that shard of blue fire that had first appeared

when he had fought to escape the Pit, that shard that seemed

a piece of azure lightning come down from the sky. He raised

it overhead and brought it down on the crimson cords of magic

that bound the light, shattering them forever.

Par shuddered with the force of the blow and with what the

effort took from him, a tearing, a rending, a draining away.

The light exploded in response, blazing forth into the cav-

ern’s darkest comers and from there upward into Southwatch.

It chased the shadows and the gloom and turned what was

black to white. It shrieked with glee at finding its freedom, and

then it sought retribution for what had been done to it.

It took Rimmer Dall first, sucking out the First Seeker’s life

as if drawing smoke into its lungs. Rimmer Dall shuddered vi-

olently, collapsed in a scattering of ashes, and ceased to exist.

The light went after the other Shadowen then, who were al-

ready fleeing in hopeless desperation, and swallowed them up

one after the other. Finally it rose to consume Southwatch, rac-

ing up the black walls, into the pulsing obsidian stone. Par was

dragged to his feet by Walker, who bent to snatch up the

Sword of Shannara. Walker called to Morgan, and in seconds

they were gathering the others as well, hauling them up, carry-

ing those who could not stand. Rumor led the way as they

surged toward a tunnel at the chamber’s far end, racing to es-

cape the cataclysm.

Overhead, Southwatch exploded into the morning sky in a

geyser of fire and ash.

428 The Talismans of Shannara

Stresa was the first to feel the tremors and hiss in warning

at Wren, “Elf Queen. Phffit! Do you feel it? Hsst! Hsst! The

earth moves!”

Wren stood slightly apart from Triss, the Elfstones clutched

in her hand as she watched the coming of the Federation army,

awaiting her confrontation with the Creepers. They had

reached the mouth of the Valley of Rhenn, and with the front

lines of me Elves and their allies less than three hundred yards

away, the battle she dreaded was about to commence.

Barsimmon Oridio, Padishar Creel, Chandos, and Axhind had

dispersed to their various commands. Tiger Ty had gone to be

with the Wing Riders. Home Guard surrounded the queen on

all sides, but she felt impossibly alone.

She turned at the Splinterscat’s words, then felt the tremors

herself. Triss,” she whispered.

For the earth was shuddering more deeply with each series

of quakes that passed through it, as if a beast coming awake to

the rising of the sun, to the coming of the light. It shook itself

from sleep, and its growl rose above the beating of the Feder-

ation drums and the marching of the soldiers’ feet.

Wren caught her breath in dismay.

What was happening?

Then fire and smoke erupted far to the east and south, rising

up against the sunlight in a wild conflagration, and the quaking

turned to a desperate heaving. The men of the opposing armies

paused in their confrontation and turned to look, eyes scanning

the horizon, cries beginning to ring out. The fire and smoke

grew into a cloud of black ash, and then suddenly there was a

tremendous burst of white light that filled the sky with its

brightness, pulsing and alive. It rose in a wild sweep, racing

across the sun and back again, running with the wind and the


When it flew down into the earth again, the shudders began

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Categories: Terry Brooks