Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

bluff high in the north central peaks, and as he approached he

could see a knot of four men standing at the bluff’s center,

waiting. They were out in the open and not trying to hide, and

it did not appear that there were any others about or any places

that they might be hiding. A good sign, the Wing Rider

thought. But he would be careful anyway.

He settled Spirit onto the bluff, alert for any deception. The

giant Roc came to rest at the edge, well away from the four.

Tiger Ty sat where he was for a moment, studying the terrain.

The men across from him waited patiently. Tiger Ty satisfied

himself, loosened the retaining straps, and climbed down. He

spoke a word of caution to Spirit, then ambled forward across

a stretch of dried saw grass and broken rock. Two of the four

came to meet him, one tall and lean and chiseled like stone,

the other black-bearded and ferocious. The tall one limped.

When they were less than six paces from each other. Tiger

Ty stopped. The two men did the same.

“That was your signal? ” Tiger Ty asked.

The tall one nodded. “You’ve been flying past for two days

now, searching for something. We decided it was time to find

out what. Legend has it that only Wing Riders fly the giant

Rocs. Is that so? Have you come from the Elves? ”

Tiger Ty folded his arms. “Depends on who’s asking.

There’s a lot of people not to be trusted these days. Are you

one of them? ”

The black-bearded man flushed and started forward a step,

but a glance from the other stopped him in his tracks. “No,” he

answered, lifting an eyebrow quizzically. “Are you? ”

Tiger Ty smiled. “Guess this game could go on awhile,

couldn’t it? Are you free-born? ”

“Now and forever,” said the tall man.

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“Then you’re who I’m looking for. I’m called Tiger Ty. I’ve

been sent by Wren Elessedil, Queen of the Land Elves.”

“Then the Elves are truly back? ”

Tiger Ty nodded.

The tall man smiled in satisfaction. “I’m Padishar Creel,

leader of the free-bom. My friend is called Chandos. Welcome

back to the Four Lands, Tiger Ty. We need you.”

Tiger Ty grunted. “We need you worse. Where’s your


Padishar Creel looked confused. “My army? ”

“The one that’s supposed to be marching to our rescue!

We’re under attack by a Federation force ten times our size—

cavalry, foot soldiers, archers, siege equipment—well, not so

much of that anymore, but enough armor and weapons to roll

us up like ants under a broom. The boy said you were on your

way to help us with five thousand men. Not enough by half,

but any help would be welcome.”

Chandos frowned darkly, rubbing at his beard. “Just a min-

ute. What boy are you talking about? ”

Tiger Ty stared. “The one with the war shrike.” A sudden

uneasiness gripped the Wing Rider. ‘Tib Ame.” He looked

from one face to’the other. “Blue eyes, towheaded, kind of

small. You did send him, didn’t you? ”

The men across from him exchanged a hurried glance. “We

sent a man who was forty if he was a day. His name was

Sennepon Kipp,” Chandos said carefully. “I should know. I

made the choice myself.”

Tiger Ty went cold all the way through. “But the boy? You

don’t know the boy at all? ”

Padishar Creel’s hard eyes fixed him. “Not before this. Tiger

Ty. But I’d be willing to bet we know him now.”

Bright light seared the slits of Wren’s eyes as she regained

consciousness, and she turned her head away, blinking. A fist

knotted in her hair and jerked her upright, and the voice that

whispered in her ear was filled with hatred and disdain.

“Awake, awake. Queen of the Elves.”

The hand released, letting her slump forward on her knees,

her head aching from the blow that had felled her. A gag filled

her mouth, secured so tightly that she could only breathe

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through her nose. Her hands were tied behind her back, her

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Categories: Terry Brooks