Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

know once and for all the worst of what there was, to be free

of the doubt and terror that not knowing brought. He had lived

with it too long to live with it longer. His magic had shielded

him from everything, but it could not do so when he no longer

wished it. He was backed to the wall of his sanity, and he

could not back away farther.

He reached for his brother’s voice with his own, anxious

and compelling. Tell me. Tell me everything.

The wishsong spit and hissed like a cornered cat, but it was,

after all, his to command still, his birthright and his heri-

tage, and nothing it might do could withstand both reason and

need. He had bent to its will when his fear and doubt had un-

dermined him, but he had never broken completely, and now

he would be free of his uncertainty forever.

Coil, he pleaded. His brother was there, steadying him. Coll.

Holding on to each other and to the Sword, they locked their

fingers tight and slipped down into the magic’s light. There Coil

soothed Par, reassuring him that the magic would heal and not

harm, that whatever happened, he would not abandon his

brother. The last of Par’s defenses gave way, the locks releasing,

the doors opening, and the darkness dispelling. Shedding the last

of the wishsong’s trappings, he gave himself over with a sigh.

And then the truth began, a trickle of memories that grew

quickly to a flood. All that was and had ever been in Par’s life,

the secrets he had kept hidden even from himself, the shames

412 The Talismans of Shannara

and embarrassments, the failures and losses he had locked

away, marched forth. They came parading into the light, and

while Par shrank from them at first, the pain harsh and unend-

ing, his strength grew with each remembering, and the task of

accepting what they meant and how they measured him as a

man became bearable.

The light shifted then, and he saw himself now, come in

search of the Sword of Shannara at Allanon’s urging, anxious

for the charge, eager to discover the truth about himself. But

how eager, in fact? For what he found was that he might be

the very thing he had committed against. What he found was

Rimmer Dall waiting, telling him he was not who he thought,

that he was someone else entirely, one of the dark things, one

of the Shadowen. Only a word, Rimmer Dall had whispered,

only a name. A Shadowen, with Shadowen magic to wield,

with power no different than that of the red-eyed wraiths, able

to be what they were, to do as they did.

What he saw now, in the cool white light of the Sword’s

truth, was that it was all true.

One of them.

He was one of them.

He lurched away from the recognition, from the inescap-

ability of what he was being shown, and he thought he might

have screamed in horror but could not tell within the light. A

Shadowen! He was a Shadowen! He felt Coil flinch from him.

He felt his brother jerk away. But Coil did not let go. He kept

holding him. It doesn’t matter what you are, you are my

brother, he heard. No matter what. You are my brother. It

kept Par from falling off the edge of sanity into madness. It

kept him grounded in the face of his own terror, of his fright-

ening discovery of self.

And it let him see the rest of what the truth would reveal.

He saw that his Elven blood and ancestry bound him to the

Shadowen. who were Elven, too. Come from the same lineage,

from the same history, they were bound as people are who share

a similar past. But the choice to be something different was

there as well. His ancestry was Shannara as well as Shadowen,

and need not be what his magic might make him. His belief that

he was predestined to be one of me dark things was the lie

Rimmer Dall had planted within him, there within the vault that

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Categories: Terry Brooks