Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

30 The Talismans of Shannara

must be this … this thing they have made of me, I shall at

least give it my voice and my heart!”

So they walked, Cogline as cold as death listening to the tor-

mented Walker Boh, Walker as hot as the fires that had begun

to bum anew within the furnaces below Paranor’s stone walls,

his fury made over into the strength that sustained him against

what was happening.

For the change continued even now as they walked the castle

corridors, the old man and the becoming Druid, shadowed by

the silent presence of Rumor the moor cat, as black-browed as

his masters. The change swirled through Walker like smoke in

the wind, stirred by the hands of the Druids gone, their spirits

alive within the one who would permit the magic to live again.

It came as knowledge revealed in bits and pieces and sometimes

in sharp bursts, knowledge gained and preserved through the

years, all that the Druids had discovered and shaped in their or-

der, the whole of what had sustained them through the years of

the Warlock Lord and the Skull Bearers, through the Demons

within the Forbidding, through the Ildatch and the Mord

Wraiths, through all the trials of dark evil set to challenge hu-

mankind. The magic revealed itself little by little, peeking forth

from the jumble of hands and eyes and whispered words that

roiled in Walker Boh’s mind and gave him no peace.

He did not sleep at all for three days. He tried, exhausted to

the point of despair, but when he endeavored to let himself go,

to slip away into the comfort of the rest he so desperately

needed, some new facet of the change lurched alive and

brought him upright as if he were a puppet on strings, making

him aware of its need, of its presence, of its determination to

be heard. Each time he would fight it, not to prevent it from

being, for there was no sense in that, but to assure that it was

not accepted without question, that the knowledge was perused

and studied, that he recognized its face and was cautioned

thereby against blind use. The Druids were not his maker, he

reminded himself over and over again. The Druids had not

given him his life and should not be allowed to dictate his des-

tiny. He would do that. He would decide the nature of his life,

power of magic or no, and in doing so would be accountable

only to himself.

The Talismans of Snannara 31

Cogline and Rumor stayed with him, as exhausted as he

was, but frightened for him and determined that he would not

be left alone to face what was happening. Cogline’s was the

voice that Walker needed to hear now and again in response to

his own, a caution and reassurance to blunt his lamentations of

disgust. Rumor was the shaggy dark certainty that some things

did not change, a presence as solid and dependable as the com-

ing of day after night, the promise that there could be a waking

from even the worst of nightmares. Together they sustained

him in ways he could not begin to describe and that they in

turn could not begin to understand. It was enough that they

sensed that the bond was there.

Three days passed, then, before the change finally ran its

course and the transformation was made complete. All at once

the hands stopped molding, the eyes disappeared, and the

whispers faded. Within Walker Boh, everything suddenly went

still. He slept then and did not dream, and when he woke he

knew that while he was changed in ways he was only begin-

ning to discover, still he was in the deepest part of himself the

same person he had always been. He had preserved the heart

of the man who mistrusted the Druids and their magics, and

while the Druids now lived within him and would have then-

voice in the way he conducted his life, nevertheless they would

be ruled by beliefs that had preceded their coming and would

survive their stay. Walker rose in the solitude of his sleeping

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Categories: Terry Brooks