Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

grandmother I would use it on behalf of the Elves and I will.

Magic to combat magic. The Shadowen must deal with me and

with the others the shade of Allanon has called upon—my kin-

dred in some instances, but whoever is destined to wield the

Sword of Shannara and the Druid power. I think all the talis-

mans have been brought back, not just the Elfstones—all the

magics that the Shadowen fear. If we can combine their power

and unite the men and women of the free-bom and the Resist-

ance and perhaps even the Trolls of the Northland, we have the

chance we need to win this fight.”

Eton Shart shook his head. “There are a great many condi-

tions attached to all of this, my lady.”

“Life is filled with conditions. First Minister,” she replied.

“Nothing is guaranteed. Nothing is assured. Especially for us.

But remember this. The Shadowen come from us, and their

magic is ours. We created them. We gave them life through our

misguided efforts to recapture something that was best left in

the past. Like it or not, they are our responsibility. Ellenroh

144 The Talismans of Shannara

knew this when she decided we must come back into the Four

Lands. We are here. First Minister, to set things right. We are

here to put an end to what we started.”

“And you will lead us in this, of course? ”

He put just enough emphasis on the question to convey his

own doubts that she possessed the strength and ability to do so.

Wren fought down her anger.

“I am Queen,” she pointed out quietly.

Eton Shart nodded. “But you are very young, my lady. And

you have not ruled long. You must expect some hesitation

from those of us who have helped govern longer.”

“What I expect is your support. First Minister.”

“Unconditional support for anyone would be foolish.”

“A reluctance to acknowledge that there may be wisdom in

youth would be foolish as well. Get to the point.”

Eton Shart’s bland face tightened. There was an uncomfort-

able shifting about the table. No one was looking at him. He

was as alone in this as Wren.

“I am not questioning you …” he began.

“Yes, you are. First Minister,” she snapped.

“You must remember that I was not there when you were

named Queen, my lady, and I—”

“Stop right there!” She was furious now, and she did not

bother to hide it. “You are right, Eton Shart. You were not

there. You were not there to see Ellenroh Elessedil die. Or

Gavilan. Or the Owl. Or Eowen Cerise. You were not there to

see Garth give his life for ours in our fight against the

Wisteron. You did not have to help him die. First Minister, as

I did, because to let him live would have condemned him to

become one of the Shadowen!”

She steadied herself with an effort. “I gave up everything to

save the Elves—my past, my freedom, my friends, everything.

I do not begrudge that. I did it because my grandmother asked

it of me, and I loved her. I did it because the Elves are my

people, and while I have been gone from them a long time I

am still one of them. One of you. First Minister. I am finished

explaining myself. I have nothing to answer for to you or any-

one. Either I am Queen or I am not. Ellenroh believed me so.

That was enough for me; it ought to be enough for you. This

debate ends here.”

The Talismans of Shannara 145

She let her gaze rest heavily on Eton Shart. “We must be

friends and allies. First Minister, if we are to have any chance

against the Federation and the Shadowen. There must be trust

between us, not doubt. It will not always be easy, but we must

work to understand each other. We must support and encour-

age, not belittle and deride. There is no room in our lives for

anything less. Though we might wish it otherwise, we must ac-

cept what fate has decreed for us.”

She took a deep breath, looking away to the others. “As

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Categories: Terry Brooks