Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

felt as if he were coming apart at the seams. What would the

sword’s magic do—save him or consume him? Which, this


The sound of the wagon’s approach was quite clear now,

wheels bumping and thudding over the uneven trail, horses

huffing in the silence. He froze in the shadows of his hiding

place, eyes fixed on the curtain of mist. One hand trailed down

the obsidian surface of the Sword of Leah, and he remembered

how the Sword’s magic had come about, how his ancestor

Rone Leah had asked Allanon for magic to protect Brin

Ohmsford, how the Druid had granted his wish by dipping the

Sword’s blade in the waters of the Hadeshom. So much had

come to pass in the wake of that single act. So many lives had

been changed.

He brought both hands to the carved handle and tightened

his grip until his knuckles were white.

The mist broke apart before him, and the black-cloaked rid-

ers appeared, hooded and faceless and somehow much larger

than he had expected. The horses’ breath clouded the air, and

steam rose off their heated flanks. Down into the draw they

came, four leading, followed by the creaking, swaying wagon

The Talismans of Shannara 325

and its drivers, and two trailing. Morgan Leah was calm now,

the anticipation behind him, the event at hand. The wraiths

hunched down atop their mounts and atop the wagon seat, si-

lent and motionless, showing nothing of their faces, nothing of

their thoughts. On each breast, the wolf’s-head insignia

gleamed like white metal. Morgan counted them again, eight in

all But there might be more inside the canvas tent of the

wagon, the flaps to which remained drawn and tied. The

wagon might be filled with them.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Could he do

this? His jaw tightened. He had fought Federation Seekers and

Shadowen from one end of Callahom to the other and sur-

vived. He was no callow, inexperienced youth. He would do

what he must.

The horsemen passed and the wagon thudded by, entering

the narrows of the draw. Morgan rose, silent and fluid, and

brought up the Sword of Leah. Be swift. Be sure. Don’t hesi-


He left his cover and moved in behind the trailing riders.

The leaders and the wagon had entered the narrows. He caught

the trailing riders at its mouth, brought his blade around in an

arc, the whole of his strength behind it, and cut them apart at

the waist. They toppled from their horses like logs falling,

soundless after a single surprised grunt, dead instantly. Their

blood was greenish and thick on their robes as they tumbled

down, and some of it smeared on Morgan’s hands. The horses

shied, pulling to either side as the Highlander surged past,

springing for the wagon. Ahead, the draw was shadowed and

thick with brush and trees, and the procession did not slow.

Morgan reached the wagon, leaped for the canvas flaps, and

pulled himself aboard. He sliced through the ties and jumped

inside. The faint dawn light revealed a single figure lying mo-

tionless in the bed, hands and feet bound. He went past with-

out slowing, seeing the dark figures seated ahead beginning to

turn. His momentum carried him to the wagon front in a rush,

his body twisting as he brought back his Sword. Somebody

spoke, a cry of warning, and then he was ripping through the

canvas with a fury, shredding it as if it weren’t there, slashing

the Seekers as they tried to free their weapons. They screamed

326 The Talismans of Shanna-a

and toppled from view, and in Morgan’s hands the Sword of

Leah began to glow like fire.

He pushed past the shredded flaps onto the wagon seat

kicking off what remained of one Seeker. He snatched up tli:

reins, howled in fury, and whipped at the team. The horses

screamed and bolted ahead, charging into the lead riders, who

were in the process of turning about to see what was happen

ing. The wagon bore down’on them, still within the narrows

and there was no place for them to go. They tried to turn back

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Categories: Terry Brooks