Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks


“How much farther? ” Wren asked after a moment.

The Talismans of Shannara 133

Tiger Ty shrugged. “Another hour at most. They were trav-

eling pretty fast when I spotted them.”

A Federation army, sighted by the patrolling Wing Rider,

had brought Wren out of Arborlon in spite of the objections of

Triss and the Home Guard. It was necessary, she felt, to have

a close look at the enemy before she brought her plan of action

before the High Council and its skeptics.

She took a final drink from her cup, finishing the last of the

ale. If things had been difficult up to now, she had a feeling

that they were about to get a whole lot worse.

They climbed back aboard Spirit, fastened themselves in

place, and lifted off into the dazzling blue. Faun was inside her

tunic, snuggled down comfortably against her body. Spirit

gained height, then settled into a flat glide that swept them

down the snaking length of the Mermidon to where it bypassed

the Shroudslip. There they left the river and began to follow

the line of the Irrybis where it bordered the Tirfing east. Time

slipped quickly past, and it seemed only moments later that Ti-

ger Ty lifted one arm to point south.

A huge column of dust rose into the swelter of summer heat

that hung over the plains. Tiger Ty glanced back at her and she


The Federation army.

They continued due south, following a line parallel to the

army, keeping in the shadow of the cliffs. Tiger Ty would cir-

cle back around and come in from behind the army with the

sun at his back. That way they would not be seen. As yet, no

one knew anything about the Wing Riders. Wren had decided

it would be better if things remained that way.

Swiftly they sped south, and when the column of dust was

well behind them they banked left across the plains. They con-

tinued to circle until the sun was directly behind them, then

swung back toward the dust. They rose higher than before, try-

ing to place as much glare as possible at their backs in case

anyone was scanning the sky.

Minutes later, the Federation army came in sight.

It was a huge, sprawling, dark stain against the sun-scorched

grasslands, three companies deep, column after column of

black-and-red-garbed soldiers and horsemen, great iron-and-

wood fighting machines, siege equipment, wagons and sup-

234 The Talismans of Shannara

plies. The army seemed to stretch on forever, the dust of its

wake obscuring everything for miles. Wren felt her heart sink

at the size of the enemy. The Elves could barely muster a tenth

of the fighting men the Federation had assembled, and it was

reported that there were another five thousand soldiers garri-

soned in Tyrsis. If they were forced to confront this army head

on, the Elves would be annihilated.

Which was the general idea, of course, she thought discon-


She counted lines and columns and companies carefully as

Tiger Ty took Spirit close to the back of the army and then

banked the Roc sharply away again, heading south once more,

still within the protective glare of the sun. There had been no

shouts or pointed arms from below. Apparently they had not

been seen.

It took them most of the remainder of the day to make the

return flight, and Wren used the time to think about what she

would say to the High Council that night. She found herself

thinking that it would be nice if she could just keep on flying,

traveling to a place so far away that the Federation would

never find her. But there was no such place, of course. For

even if the Federation couldn’t reach her, the Shadowen could.

They had proved that on Morrowindl. The Shadowen sickness

was everywhere, and no one would be safe again until a cure

was found.

It was nearing sunset when Arborlon, the home city of the

Elves, came in sight again, a shading of wood colors, metal

stays, and spots of bright clothing amid the green. Spirit swung

wide above the Rill Song, the river’s blue waters turned

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Categories: Terry Brooks