Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

prisoner of the Shadowen at Southwatch. There are others out

looking for him as well. I promised to wait for them.”

His voice had an edge to it that did not allow for argument,

but he added reluctantly, “But if you really need me …”

She stopped him with a squeeze of her hand. “I can make

it back on my own. But there is something I have to tell you

first, and you have to promise me that you will tell the others

when you see them again.” Her grip tightened. “Where are

they, anyway? What’s become of them? What’s happened with

Allanon’s charges? Did the others fulfill mem as well? ” She

was speaking too rapidly, and she forced hersetf to slow down,

The Talismans of Shannara 331

calm, not to look off to the east and the brightening

w ,.ye^ sit down. Let me have a look at your wound.”

She took his arm and led him to a moss-covered log where

die seated him, stripped off his shirt, tore it in strips, and

cteaned and bound the sword slash as best she could.

“par and CoU found the Sword of Shannara, but then they

disappeared,” he told her as she worked. “It’s too long a story

fomow. I’ve been tracking Par; he may be tracking Coll. I

don’t know who has the Sword. As for Walker, I was with him

when he went north to recover a magic that would restore

Paranor and the Druids. He was successful, and we came back

together, but I haven’t seen him since.” He shook his head.

“Paranor’s back. The Sword’s found. The charges are all ful-

filled, but I don’t know what difference it makes.”

She finished tying up his wound and moved back around in

front of him. “Neither do I. But in some way it does. We just

have to find out how.” She swallowed against the dryness in

her throat, and her hazel eyes fixed him. “Now, listen. This is

what you are to tell the others.” She took a deep breath. “The

Shadowen are Elves. They are Elves who rediscovered the old

magic and thought to use it recklessly. They stayed behind

when the rest of the Elven nation fled the Four Lands and the

Federation. The magic subverted them as it does everything; it

made them into the Shadowen. They are another form of the

Skull Bearers of old, dark wraiths for which the magic is a

craving they cannot resist. I don’t know how they can be de-

stroyed, but it must be done. AUanon was right—they are an

evil that threatens us all. The answers we need lie in the pur-

pose of fulfilling the charges that we were given. One of us

will discover the truth. We must. Tell them what I’ve told to

you, Morgan. Promise me.”

Morgan rose. “I’D tell them.”

A heron’s cry pierced the morning stillness, and Wren jerked

about. “Wait here,” she said.

She hobbled over to the fallen Shadowen and began rifling

through their clothing. One of them, she knew, had the

Elfstones, stolen from her by Tib Ame. Her anger at him

burned anew. She searched the closest two and found nothing.

She stirred the ashes of the one Morgan had burned through

and found nothing there either. Then she went back to the

332 The Talismans of Shannara

driver and his companion, to their severed bodies, and ignoring

what had been done to them, she worked her way carefully

through their robes.

In the cloak pocket of one she found the pouch and the

Stones. Exhaling sharply, she stuffed the pouch into her tunic

and limped back toward Morgan.

Halfway there, she saw the Shadowen horse that hadn’t run

grazing at the edge of the trees. She stopped, considered mo-

mentarily, then put her fingers to her mouth and gave a

strange, low-pitched whistle. The horse looked up, ears prick-

ing toward the sound. She whistled again, varying the pitch

slightly. The horse stared at her, then pawed the earth. She

walked over to the animal slowly, talking softly and holding

out her hand. The horse sniffed at her, and she reached out to

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Categories: Terry Brooks