Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

A hint of recognition showing in the maddened eyes.

“Come close to me. Par.”

“Damson7 ” he whispered suddenly.

“Yes,” she answered, smiling, the tears streaking her face

now. “I love you. Par Ohmsford.”

For a long moment he did not move, standing on the stairs

in the gloom as if carved from stone while the magic raced

down his limbs and about his body. Then he sobbed in re-

sponse, something coming awake within him that had been

sleeping before, and he squeezed his eyes shut in concentra-

tion. His body shook, convulsed, and the magic flared once

and died away. His eyes opened again. “Damson,” he whis-

pered, seeing her now, seeing them all, and swayed forward.

She caught him as he fell, and instantly Walker was there,

too, and then all of them, reaching for the Valeman and bring-

ing him down into the hall, holding him upright, searching his

ravaged face.

“I can’t breathe anymore,” he whispered to them. “I can’t


410 The Talismans of Shannara

Damson was holding him close, whispering back that it was

all right, that he was safe now, that they would get him away

But Walker saw the truth in Par Ohmsford’s eyes. He was wag-

ing a battle with the wish&ong’s magic that he was losing.

Whatever was happening to him, he needed to confront it now,

to be set free of the fears and doubts that had plagued him for


“Coil,” he said quietly as’ they lowered Par to his knees and

let him collapse against Damson. “Use the Sword of Shannara.

Don’t wait any longer. Use it.”

Coil stared back at the Dark Uncle uncertainly. “But I’m not

sure what it will do.”

Walker Boh’s voice turned as hard as iron. “Use the Swora,

Coll. Use it, or we’re going to lose him!”

Coil turned away quickly and knelt next to Par and Damson.

He held the Sword of Shannara before him, both hands knot-

ting on its handle. It was his talisman to use, but the conse-

quences of that use his to bear.

“Morgan, watch the stairs,” Walker Boh ordered. “Matty

Roh, the halls.” He moved toward Par. “Damson, let him go.”

Damson Rhee stared upward with stricken eyes. There was

unexpected warmth in Walker’s gaze, a mix of reassurance and

kindness. “Let him go. Damson,” he said gently. “Move


She released Par, and the Valeman slumped forward. Coil

caught him, cradled him in his arms momentarily, then took

his brother’s hands and placed them on the handle of the

Sword beneath his own. “Walker,” he whispered beseechingly.

“Use it!” the Dark Uncle hissed.

Morgan glanced over uneasily. “I don’t like this. Wal-

ker …”

But he was too late. Coil, persuaded by the strength ot

Walker Boh’s command, had summoned forth the magic. The

Sword of Shannara flared to life, and the dark well of the

Shadowen keep was flooded with light.

Wrapped in a choking cloud of paralyzing indecision and

devastating fear. Par Ohmsford felt the Sword’s magic pene-

trate like fire out of darkness, burning its way down into him

The magic of the wishsong rose to meet it, to block it, a white

The Talismans of Shannara 411

wall of determined silence. Protective doors flew closed

within, locks turned, and the shivering of his soul rocked him

back on his heels. He was aware, vaguely, that Coil had sum-

moned the Sword’s magic, that the power to do so was some-

how his where it had not been Par’s, and there was a sense of

things being turned upside down. He retreated from the mag-

ic’s approach, unable to bear the truth it might bring, wanting

only to hide away forever within himself.

But the magic of the Sword of Shannara came this time with

the weight of his brother’s voice behind it, pressing down

within him. Listen, Par. Listen. Please, listen. The words eased

their way past the wishsong’s defenses and gave entry to what

followed. He thought it was Coil’s words alone at first that

breached his defenses, that let in the white light. But then he

saw it was something more. It was his own weary need to

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Categories: Terry Brooks