Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks


She gave him a quick smile over her shoulder as she disap-

peared into the trees.

Chandos was terse and withdrawn at breakfast, and Morgan

left him alone, choosing to sit instead with Damson Rhee. The

long table they occupied was crowded and the men were bois-

terous, so the Highlander and the girl didn’t say much to each

other, concentrating on their food and the conversation around

them. Matty Roh appeared briefly, passing next to Morgan

without looking at him, on her way to someplace else. She

paused long enough to say something to Chandos, which

caused him to scowl deeply. Morgan didn’t hear what she said

but had no trouble imagining what it might be.

124 The Talismans of Shannara

When the meal was concluded Chandos pushed to his feet,

bellowed at everyone still seated to get to work, and called

Damson and Morgan aside. He took them out of the trees and

onto the open bluff once more, waiting until they were out of

earshot to speak. Dark-visaged and gruff, he announced that

during the night word had arrived through the free-born net-

work that the Elves had returned to the Westland. This news

was several days old and not entirely reliable, and he wanted

to know what Morgan and the girl thought.

“I think it’s possible,” Morgan said at once. “Returning the

Elves to the Westland was one of the charges given to the


“If Paranor is back, the Elves could be back as well,” agreed


“And that would mean that all the charges have been ful-

filled,” Morgan added, growing excited now. “Chandos, we

have to know if it’s true.”

The big man’s scowl returned. “You’ll want another expedi-

tion, I suppose—as if one wasn’t enough!” He sighed wearily.

“All right, I’ll send someone to check it out, a messenger to let

them know they have friends in Callahom. If they’re there,

we’ll find them.”

He went on to add that he had chosen the men for the jour-

ney to Tyrsis and that supplies and weapons were being

assembled as they spoke. Everything should be in place by

midmoming, and as soon as it was they would depart.

As he turned to leave, Morgan asked impulsively, “Chandos,

what’s your opinion of Many Roh? ”

“My opinion?” The big man laughed. “I think she gets

pretty much anything she wants.” He started away again, then

called back, “I also think you’d better watch your step with

her, Highlander.”

He went on, disappearing into the trees, yelling orders as he


Damson looked at Morgan. “What was that all about? ”

Morgan told her about his meeting with Matty at Varfleet

and their journey to Firerim Reach. He told her about the girl’s

insistence that she be included in their effort to rescue

Padishar. He asked Damson if she knew anything about Matty

Roh. Damson did not. She had never met her before.

The Talismans of Shannara 125

“But Matty’s right about two women attracting less atten-

tion,” she declared. “And if she was able to persuade both you

and Chandos that she should go on this journey, I’d say you’d

both better watch out for her.”

Morgan left to put together his pack for the trek south,

strapped on his weapons, and went back out on the bluff.

Within an hour the company that Chandos had chosen was as-

sembled and ready to leave. It was a hard and capable-looking

bunch, some of them men who had fought side by side with

Padishar against the Creeper at the Jut. A few recognized Mor-

gan and nodded companionably. Sending one man on ahead to

scout for any trouble, Chandos led the rest, Morgan and Dam-

son and Matty Roh with them, down off Firerim Reach toward

the plains beyond.

They walked all day, descending out of the Dragon’s Teeth

to the Rabb, then turning south to cross the river and continue

on toward Varfleet. They traveled quickly, steadily through the

heat, the sky clear and cloudless, the sun burning down in a

steady glare, causing the air above the dusty grasslands to

shimmer like water. They rested at midday and ate, rested

again at midaftemoon, and by nightfall had reached the flats

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Categories: Terry Brooks