Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

Reach is, do you? I forget sometimes, you seem so much a

part of things.”

He smiled. “Hard to remember when you didn’t have me to

look after, isn’t it? ”

She gave him a questioning look. “I’m not complaining. Are

you? ”

He moved over to her and held her for a moment. He didn’t

say anything; he simply stood with his arms about her, his

cheek against her auburn hair, and his eyes closed. He thought

about all they had come through,, how many times their lives

had been at risk, and how dangerous their journey had been.

So little distance traveled to come so far, he mused. So little

time to have discovered so much.

Still holding her, he stroked her back in small circles and

said, “I’ll tell you something. It sometimes seems as if I’m

frightened all the time. Ever since Coil and I first left Varfleet,

all those weeks ago, I’ve been afraid. Everything that happens

seems to cost something. I never know what I’m going to lose

next, and I hate it. But what frightens me most. Damson Rhee,

is the possibility that I might lose you.”

He tightened his arms about her, pressing her close. “What

do you think about that? ” he whispered.

Her response was to tighten her arms back.

They walked through the early morning without saying

much after that, leaving behind the city of Tyrsis, moving

north across the plains \to the forested threshold of the Drag-

on’s Teeth. The day warmed quickly, crystals of night’s dew

faded with the sun’s rise, and dampness dried away into stir-

rings of dust. They saw no one for a long time, and then only

peddlers and families coming in from their farms to market in

the city. Par found himself thinking of home again, of his par-

ents and Coil, but it all seemed to be something that had hap-

pened a long time ago. He might wish that things were as they

had been and that all that had happened since his encounter

60 The Talismans of Shannara

with Cogline had not—but he knew he might as well wish the

day become night and the sun the moon. He looked at Damson

walking beside him, at the soft strong lines of her face and the

movement of her body, and let what might have been slide

quickly away.

At midday they crossed the Mermidon into the forests be-

yond and stopped to eat. They foraged for fresh water, berries,

roots, and vegetables, and made do. It was cool and silent

within the trees while the day’s heat suffocated the surrounding

land in an airless, sweltering blanket. After eating, they de-

cided to sleep for a time, weary from their night’s efforts and

anxious to take advantage of their refuge. It was only several

hours further to the Kennon Pass, Damson advised, where they

would cross through the Dragon’s Teeth into the valley that

had once been Paranor’s home. From there they would travel

north and east to the Jannisson Pass and Firerim Reach. In an-

other two days, she promised, they should reach the free-bom.

But they slept longer than they had planned, lulled by the

coolness and the soothing sound of the wind in the trees, and

it was nearing sunset when they came awake again. They rose

and set out at once, anxious to make up as much time as they

could. If the moon was out, they could navigate the pass at

night. Otherwise, they would have to wait until morning. In ei-

ther case, they wanted to reach the Kennon by nightfall.

So they traveled swiftly, unhindered by heavy stands of

scrub or grasses in woods that were well traveled and spacious,

feeling rested and fit after their sleep. The sun drifted west,

edging down into the trees until it was a bright flare of gold

and crimson through the screen of the leaves and branches.

The moon appeared in skies that were clear and blue, and the

day birds began to grow silent in response to the coming of

night. Par felt at ease for the first time in days, at peace with

himself. He was relieved to be out of Tyrsis, clear of her sew-

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Categories: Terry Brooks