Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

he stumbled onto them or how^ie let them capture him, but it

shouldn’t have happened. The magic of the wishsong should

have been more than a match for men like these. I don’t under-

stand it. Something’s wrong.”

Matty said nothing, waiting.

Damson handed back the water skin and sighed. “I wish I

could have seen his face. He looked up once, just for a mo-

ment, but it was too dark to see clearly.” She shook her head.

“Slavers—there won’t be any reasoning with them.”

Many shifted her feet. “Reasoning isn’t something men like

this understand. We’re women. If given half a chance, they’d

seize us, use us for their own pleasure, and then cut our

throats. Or if we were really unlucky, they’d sell us along with

358 The Talismans of Shanna:

the Valeman.” She looked out at the night. “How many did

you count’7”

“Five. Four inside, one standing watch. They’re drinkir

and throwing dice and fighting among themselves.” Sh-

paused hopefully. “When they sleep, we might be able to sl r

past them and free Par.”

Matty gave her a steady look. “That would be chancy in tl a

dark. We wouldn’t be able to tell them from us if it came s

him. Besides, they might be up all night the way things are g> •

ing. There isn’t any way to know.”

“We could wait a bit. A day or two if we must. There wiS

be a chance sooner or later.”

Matty shook her head. “We don’t have the time. We dor i,

know how long it will be until they get to where they’re going

There may be more of them ahead. No. We have to do .’

now. Tonight.”

Now it was Damson’s turn to stare. “Tonight,” she repeate”

“How? ”

“How do you think? If they’ve found a way to capture tht

Valeman in spite of his magic, they’re too dangerous to foe’

around with.” Matty Roh seemed to be measuring her. “It

we’re quick, they’ll be dead before they know what happeneu

Can you do it?”

Damson took a deep breath. “Can you? ”

“Just follow me in and stay behind me. Watch my back. Re

member how many there are. Don’t lose count. If I go dow?’

get out of there.” She straightened. “Are you ready? ”

“Now? ”

‘The quicker we start, the quicker we finish.”

Damson nodded without speaking, feeling distanced froni

what was happening, as if she were watching it from some

other vantage point. “I only have a hunting knife.”

“Use whatever you have. Just remember what I said.”

The tall girl dropped her cloak and reached down into her

gear for the slender fighting sword and strapped it over her

back, wearing it the same way Morgan Lean wore his. She fas-

tened a brace of throwing knives to her waist and slipped a

broad-bladed hunting knife down into her boot. Damson

The Talismans of Shannara 359

watched and did not speak. Two against five, she was thinking.

But the odds were greater than that. These men were seasoned

fighters, cutthroats who would kill them without a second

thought. What are we to them? she wondered, and decided it

was a stupid question.

They moved off into the night, slipping across the grasslands

like ghosts. Damson leading Many back the same way she had

cone earlier, watching the light from the oil lamps hung within

the cabin grow brighter as they neared. The voices of the men

reached out to greet them, coarse and raucous. Damson could

no longer see the glow of the pipe on the porch steps, but that

didn’t mean the sentry wasn’t still there. They” moved north of

the cabin into the trees and came up from behind, flattening

themselves against the rough board wall. Inside, the sounds of

gambling and drinking continued.

They peered around the south side of the cabin toward the

front. There was no sign of the sentry. With Matty leading

now, her sword drawn and held before her, they eased up to

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Categories: Terry Brooks